Enable cheat codes by typing in the following
If input correctly an art of a toast will appear on the upper left corner of the screen
Caution Some cheats disable game features for the save file you are playing on. You can make a backup of your save file by going to "%appdata%/../LocalLow/adamgryu/A Short Hike" and creating a copy of the file "GameSaveNew.mountain".
Item Cheat Codes[]
Keyboard Command | Description |
featherplz | get a golden feather |
nopeplz | remove one golden feather |
sunhatplz | get a sun hat |
coinsplz | get 50 coins |
shellsplz | get 14 shells |
shovelplz | get a shovel |
shoesplz | get running shoes |
greedyplz | get all items once (disables leaderboard) |
allfishplz | get a fish of each species |
Rendering Cheat Codes[]
User Interface
Keyboard Command | Description |
fpsplz | toggle fps counter display |
speedrunplz | toggle speed run clock display |
hideuiplz | hide user interface |
showuiplz | show user interface |
Rendering Settings
Keyboard Command | Description |
15fpsplz | set maximum fps to 15 and disable vsync |
45fpsplz | set maximum fps to 45 and disable vsync |
lowresplz | render with a width of 480 |
pixelplz | same as lowresplz |
midresplz | render with a width of 622 |
highresplz | render with the width of the current display |
omgresplz | sets the resolution 5000*1700. Adapts to smaller ultrawide resolutions |
Cinema Mode Cinema mode lets you rotate the camera freely.
Keyboard Command | Description |
cinemaplz | enable cinema camera |
Gameplay Cheat Codes[]
Keyboard Command | Description |
restoreplz | restore feather energy disables leaderboard |
imstuckplz | teleport to aunt |
fishplz | toggle faster fishing |
Information gathered from this great guide by nakami on Steam
PS4 Cheat Codes[]
Enable cheats in the options menu by pressing L1, R1, L2, R2, Down, and Triangle at the same time.
Cheat | Description |
stuffplz | Gives a shovel, a fishing rod, a bucket, a pickaxe, 300 coins, the running shoes, and 5 feathers. |
imstuckplz | Teleports the player in front of the starting house. |
showtimeplz | Opens up a camera options menu. |
nopeplz | Removes one golden feather. |
nouiplz | Same effect as hideuiplz; hides the user interface until Options is pressed. |
loadgameplz | Loads the game's most recent saved state. |
saveplz | Saves the game in its current state. |
newgameplz | Starts a new game. |
sitdownplz | When the Square button is pressed, Claire sits down, playing an animation similar to the one when reaching Hawk Peak. |